News Releases

Appointment and Re-Appointments to Presidential Council for Minority Rights

01 February 2024




1. The President has appointed Dr Nazirudin bin Mohd Nasir as a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights for a term of three years with effect from 1 February 2024.


2. Cardinal William Goh and Mr Surjit Singh will be re-appointed as members of the PCMR for a term of three years with effect from 1 April 2024.


3. The PCMR scrutinises laws passed by Parliament to ensure that no provision in those laws is discriminatory towards any racial or religious community.


4. Dr Nazirudin is the Mufti of Singapore and a member of the National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony. He is also a member of the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony. As Mufti, Dr Nazirudin has played a pivotal role in guiding the Singapore Muslim community to navigate key challenges including the COVID-19 pandemic, championing progressive Islamic thought and practice, and strengthening religious harmony in Singapore.




Presidential Council for Minority Rights

c/o Parliament House

President’s Office

Media Strategy and Communications







1. The functions of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights are:


  1. To draw attention to any Bill or subsidiary legislation that contains differentiating measures; and
  2. To consider and report on matters affecting any racial or religious community that are referred to the Council by Parliament or the Government.


2. A “differentiating measure” is a measure that is disadvantageous to a racial or religious community and not equally disadvantageous to other such communities.


3. The Council makes a report on the Bills and matters considered to the Speaker of Parliament. 


4. From time to time, the Council also advises the President on the nominations of persons to the Presidential Council for Religious Harmony, and the Malay Community Committee and the Indian and Other Minority Communities for purposes of parliamentary elections.


5. The Council also nominates the Chairman of the Community Committee and the respective Chairmen and members of the Chinese Community Sub-Committee, Malay Community Sub-Committee, and the Indian and Other Minority Communities Sub-Committee, of the Community Committee for purposes of presidential elections.


6. The Chairman and Members of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights are appointed by the President on the advice of the Cabinet. Under the Constitution, the Council shall consist of a Chairman, and up to 20 Members, of which up to 10 may be permanent Members. Apart from permanent Members who are appointed for life, the Chairman and other Members are appointed for a period of 3 years.


7. With the new appointment of Dr Nazirudin bin Mohd Nasir to the Council taking effect from 1 February 2024, there will be a total of 17 Members, comprising the Chairman, 5 permanent Members and 11 other Members as follows:



The Hon Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon  


Permanent Members

Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister

Mr Goh Chok Tong, Emeritus Senior Minister

Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law

Mr S Dhanabalan

Mr Abdullah Tarmugi


Other Members

Mr Lucien Wong, Attorney-General

Mr Othman Haron Eusofe

Mr Timothy James de Souza

Prof Chan Heng Chee

Mr Barry Desker

Mr Philip Jeyaretnam

His Eminence Cardinal William Goh

Mr Surjit Singh s/o Wazir Singh

Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng

Mr Syed Hassan bin Syed Mohamed Bin Salim Al-Attas

Dr Nazirudin bin Mohd Nasir

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